It's Been 32 Years Since The Death Of Metallica Bassist, And All Time Great, Cliff Burton - Check Out Some Of His Best Performances

Cliff Burton was a man who completely shattered everybody’s pre-conceived notions about what a rock n’ roll/metal bassist sounded like in the 1980’s, providing mind-bending solos that even the most talented guitar players in the world looked at crooked and grooves so heavy you could feel them in your chest if you played ‘em loud enough, and on this day in ’86, he was killed tragically in a bus accident at only 24 years old. Still to this day, Cliff is considered one of the greatest bassists of all time – ESPECIALLY on rock/metal oriented lists, where it’s tough to find him outside of the top ten on anybody’s lists.

End your night paying tribute to the man, and watching some of his best live performances. For Whom The Bell Tolls, which is the song in the second video down, is my personal favorite. I soundchecked with a few bars of it at the House of Blues last week, just because it’s one of those monster grooves that any bass player dreams about playing on a massive stage like that, so it’s almost an impulse once you get up there. So awesome.

Rest in Power, Cliff.

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